How Big Is Your Comfort Zone?

Let’s talk comfort zone…My zone use to be pretty small! However…The older I get, the bigger my zone gets. In fact, I knew that starting this blog would be light years away from my comfort zone but it is something that Alexa and I really wanted to do.  Like we said in our very first post, we talked about it for a year and even created the web page in 2017 but didn’t actually do anything with it until this year.

We all like to pretend that what people think about us doesn’t really matter, but to some extent, we all know that it does. We know that there’s judgment, both positive and negative, every time someone posts on Instagram, Facebook, or on a blog. Hopefully, you fall into the positive category and you are thinking that if they can do it, so can I!  Whatever “It” is for you, you…can…do! We are only limited by our own self-inflicted fears that confine our comfort zone. It’s not what people think about us, rather what we allow ourselves to believe that actually limits us. I think that the older I get, the more I am determined to be unstoppable. To not let opportunities and experiences go unfulfilled.

“We don’t get unlimited chances to have the things that we want, and this I know. Nothing is worse than missing an opportunity that could have changed your life.”
-Addison Montgomery

Whatever “It” is, whatever you’ve been dreaming about….dig deep to get the courage to accomplish it! There are so many missed opportunities because we are comfortable. And that’s OK! Just don’t let fear of failure or judgment be the reason that you don’t try something new. Try something new to confirm your strength in spite of your fears.

“A comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there.”
-Author Unknown

In addition, check out @blessingandsass on Instagram Here if you want to see me out of my comfort zone! I posted an Instagram Story! OMG! Talk about busting out of my comfort zone with one toe left in fear!

We’d love to hear how you get out of your comfort zone!