Stop Telling Yourself, NO!

Stop telling yourself, no! Easier said than done…right! Let’s get real, so many times in my life I’ve thought “wow I wish I would’ve just done that”. I second guess myself daily and I continuously negative self-talk. I’ve been a competitive athlete all my life and I’ve taught myself that perfection is what matters. However, that’s not accurate and it’s definitely the wrong way to go about living joyfully. I’m the poster child for planning everything down to the minute. I want to know what’s going to happen next and want to control every situation. Accepting what you can and cannot control as well as moderating the need to control is key.

“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will”

When I embarked on this journey with my Mom, I was extremely hesitant. Instagram is a great tool to make yourself feel bad and the Discover page is a whole other demon. So many women on social media represented what I believed was perfection. From their tiny bodies to their perfect style and their lavish adventures. I don’t run around with a camera on me, I work a 9-5 job and I have so many other responsibilities that blogging seemed nearly impossible.

“Sometimes we have to stop being scared and just go for it. Either it will work or it won’t. That is life”

However, despite all my second guessings I plan to get on this rollercoaster with my Mom and ride out the bumps along the way. I realized that perfection is not possible, I do have flaws, BUT THAT’S OK, and the process will not be an overnight success. With any journey you take in life you have to accept the fact that you will need to place yourself outside of your comfort zone and embrace all that you have to offer to the world. We all have something to learn not only from our own journey but other’s journeys as well.

“She turned her can’ts into cans and her dreams into plans”

I’ve been thinking about writing this blog post for a couple weeks now. And one night I was out with a friend taking some pictures when a girl walked up. She asked if we’d like her to take our picture together. After the picture, my friend mentioned I was a blogger. I was quick to say that I’m not a blogger, I’m just trying to blog. And a girl that I’ve never in my life seen before gave me very wise advice, she said: “don’t try to blog, just be you and blog”. So with that, whether you are aspiring to blog or embarking on a new adventure, do not go with the mindset that you are trying. Instead just be you and do it. Do not be afraid to show your Sass, achieve your dreams, and do you! And stop telling yourself, no!

“The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” -Ayn Rand